Hi Choir :)
Because we ended late on fri, so here are the few announcements we need to make.
Jubilate tickets!! As it is most probably not free seating, please buy as early as possible to get better seats. Each of you will be required to sell at least 2 tickets. $35 each.
Trip people. THOSE PEOPLE WHO STILL HAVE YET TO HAND IN YOUR PHOTOCOPY OF YOUR PASSPORT,PLEASE PUT IT IN MR LIM'S PIGEON HOLE ON MONDAY. FINAL DAY! Please indicate on it your name, class, next-of-kin's (eg. parent, guardian etc.) name and contact, your medical history and food allergies if any. Also please get your roomings settled. Either you or you roomate must notify Cassandra.
Sec Ones + Ppl who altered the gown MUST Bring the money to pay on THURSDAY 4th March.
Consent Form. Get your parents to sign then bring it on Thurs. Reds pass to Jean Wei. Greys pass to Tiara. Whites to Yang Zhen. Greens to Qian Yi.
Contacts List. Please check that all of your information printed is correct. If there are mistakes, please make sure you write your name as well as the correct info on board in the ava room before choir on thurs 4th March. Level Coordinators whose numbers are wrong please sms Clara & Celeste after reading this.
For the sec ones and those who forgot the meaning of Itsuki, here is the meaning of the words in the song.
Go write the meaning down so that you know what kind of emotions are to be evoked when singing itsuki.
Ok end of announcements. Thank you! See you next week!