Tuesday, January 1, 2013

CCA fair

Hello everyone! Happy New Year!

As mentioned yesterday, all of you MUST make 8(or more) paper fortune cookies for the upcoming CCA fair on 5 Jan (saturday) from 8am-12.30pm. 
Please bring them this Thursday (3/1) for quality check.
Below is the video tutorial on how to make paper fortune cookies and some important additional info. Please refer closely to the video as well as the add. info to ensure the quality of your work.

Additional instructions:
- To get the basic circular paper, outline a CD on a NICE paper(coloured or gift wrapping paper), make sure the paper is reasonably thick. Cut out the circle.
- Make sure to double sided tape every necessary part firmly!!!
- Stick your fingers into the two little 'pockets' to pop them out and to make them look nicer!
- Instead of using ribbons, cut out a little strip(~6cm) of your nice paper and write down another fortune. Still stick it into one of the pockets as shown in the video. Make sure the words are clear.

eg.  -Join SN Choir! We create the dream.
       -You love to sing, Join SN Choir!
       -SN Choir will be your choice.
       etc etc.

Thank you and good luck making them! :-)

Xin An


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